Just for You, Mom...

Today, I baked gingersnaps, in loving remembrance of my mom.
I hadn't made these delectable  cookies since baking them for her
at Christmas 2009, her last holiday with us. They were her
favorites- spicy and slightly crisp- and I baked them for her often,
keeping the cookie jar full so she could enjoy having two or three
each afternoon with her tea.

As I was rolling the dough into balls, rolling the balls in sugar,
and lining them up on the cookie sheets for baking, I was
thinking of her...recalling her pleasure at something so simple.
And Mom did find delight in simple things, never expecting or
demanding that life hand her "spectacular" or even "special".
She accepted what came, what life had to offer, and lived
with and through it all with both amazing grace and dignity.
She was a true "lady", in the old-fashioned sense of the word...
even in her old age, bearing the losses and indignities of
advancing years with patience and a sense of peace.

Because she asked so little, it was a great pleasure to give her
something she enjoyed- thus, the gingersnaps. And as I baked
today, I talked to Mom, telling her that these cookies are my
"gift" to her...and to the rest of the family...in remembrance
of the lovely lady who was Grandma Kay. I love you, Mom.


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