Looking for Hope?

I have been gifting myself with the reading of an amazing book,
yet another product of the husband/wife team of Nicholas
Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. A Path Appears should be required
reading for every high school and college student. In fact, it
should be required reading for every citizen of this nation. When
I have not been reduced to tears by the stories, true stories of
survival and giving and dedication and hope, I have found myself
convicted again and again of my need to do more... to find a
cause, perhaps several causes, to which I can give my heart and
time and monies, knowing I can and will make a difference.

No pie-in-the-sky solutions here... simply the telling of the
stories of individuals who have made and continue to make a
difference in ways both big and small. Lives changed, towns
given hope, communities restored; seemingly insurmountable
problems faced head-on, often with few resources, and over
and over again the conviction that we CAN make a difference,
you and I...and we SHOULD.

If you do not read another book in the closing days of this
year or in the early days of 2015, make this one a priority.
I promise that it will not leave you unchanged...that it will
shatter some of your deeply-cherished stereotypes...that
it will unsettle and disturb and, yes, even anger you... so
much so that you will be challenged to GET INVOLVED.
And if that happens, then this excellent book will have been
more than worth the cost- to you and, more importantly,
to the world.


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