On the Seventh Day of Christmas...
"On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..." Don't recall what the gift was in the traditional song, but for me today, the gift was silence...a blessed, blissful silence. You see, after two days of continuous people, I am relishing the peace and quiet and alone-ness. Now, don't get me wrong, or think I am totally Grinchy. I adore having the family all together...eating together...talking and playing board games and arguing (friendly, to be sure) and just being family together. And I wouldn't have the holiday any other way. But I live alone...have a one-person household. And, for those of you familiar with Myers-Briggs testing, I am an INFP... which means that, though I like people, they innervate me, sap me of strength, use up every ounce of my energy. And this morning, when the last of my family departed at 9a.m., I was in the throes of a splitting headache. So, it was back to bed in a darkened room, sleeping until 2:30p.m. when I...