Morning Music...and the Roar of the Wind...

The breath-taking, sublime beauty
of a Bach violin concerto begins my day,
accompanied by the songbird chorus
resounding from the trees,
while distant traffic sounds add
a counterpoint of modernity,
as the barking of neighborhood dogs
interposes a staccato line to
the morning symphony.

In the midst of this morning's glorious sounds, I am ever mindful of the hurricane which is bearing down upon the NC shore and the Northeast and so I offer this prayer:

O Great Protector, O Source of Strength,
be with those in the path of Hurricane Irene;
grant them courage and wisdom and shelter
from the storm. Even as our part of the
country rejoices in the prospect of rain, the already-saturated northeast fears what this weekend may bring. 
May they be comforted and may help
be at hand. As our beleagured planet
seeks to right and balance itself, may we refrain from shaking fists of blame and instead offer open arms of assistance...
your arms in our human flesh.
                 Let it be so.


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