Living with a Wide-Open Heart...
Strength of heart comes from knowing that the pain that we each
must bear is part of the greater pain shared by all that lives.
-Jack Kornfield
morning prayer IV
Not grasping,but groping,
I begin my
morning prayer...
letting my heart
break open with
the pain of the world...
the pain in which I share...
Holy Mystery, ground of Being,
I lay myself open,offer myself to be guided,
to be used as an instrument
in the healing of the world.
My bit is small- but
it IS my bit...
as important as that
of every other being
who walks this planet,
breathes the air,
drinks the water,
eats of its bounty.
Do not let the immensity
of the pain overwhelm me-or the many others who
willingly shoulder this
task of healing...
enable & enliven us
with purpose & hope.
As this amazing, fragile planet
struggles to survive,
let me be consciously
part of the solution...
as I myself struggle
to live with integrity &
gratitude &
wonder &
a deep sense of
my connection with
all of life.
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