Ring Out the Old...Welcome the New...

This was written on December 31, 2013, at a poetry workshop at
Healing Ground...words I needed to get out...to write...to share...
in preparation for beginning a new year.

retrospective 2013
Birthed in heartbreak, this yew year...
Awash with tears, the way ahead unclear.
Choices and decisions ride upon
     the waves of uncertainty,
     Yet choose I must and choose I did...
As far away, the distant shore seemed
     out of reach...
          but stroke by stroke it nearer came
          'til loving arms reached out to take
          my trembling hand and lead me home.
The journey long,
the path uneven bramble-torn...
     yet on I walked...stumbled...fell...
     began again...despite the bruises and the scrapes...
     the blood-stained cloth around my head...
Until- bent, battered, and bedraggled, I emerged
into a clearing filled with so much light
my squinting, tear-filled eyes could scarcely
     take it in.
For Hope was there...and Courage, too...
buoyed up by Resilience, those spirits three
to fill me with their loving gifts...to heal my hurts,
     and send me on my way- renewed, revived...
          into the days and weeks to come.

And now, a wish for your new year...Happy 2014...may it be a
daring, fulfilling, satisfying, challenging, painful, wonderful slice
of your life...and may each day be FULL to overflowing with all
that makes living worthwhile.

Passionately present

Wait to become

Your best self
Action counts
Remember who you are & why you're here!


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