Words of Wisdom, Confusion, and Doubt...and TRUTH
Sometimes I go about pitying myself
And all the while I am being carried across
the sky
By beautiful clouds. -OJIBWAY SAYING
Life makes no sense, has no logic...
God is confusing, mysterious,
totally beyond understanding...
Yet here I am, in the midst of it all,
Caught up in, shaped by, the
paradoxical nature of existence,
of being human,
spinning dizzily with
the very cosmos
and loving every moment
of the wild ride!
The foolish seek happiness in the distance;
the wise grow it under their feet. -JAMES OPPENHEIM
It could be argued that Christianity is one tremendous koan that
makes the mind boggle and gasp in astonishment; and faith is the
breakthrough into that deep realm of the soul which accepts
paradox...with humility. -WILLIAM JOHNSTON in Christian Zen
Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art
of leaving things undone. The Wisdom of life consists in the elimination
of nonessentials. -LIN YUTANG
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