Thankfulness for Those Often Forgotten

I was just thinking this morning about all those people who are keeping us well and safe and fed during these difficult days and I am offering them my thanks. I hope you will join me:

  • health care workers, of course, doctors and nurses, but also the maintenance workers and housekeeping staff and security officers who keep the hospitals going.
  • those keeping the electricity on for us, working in the power plants and on the power lines, so we can have the comforts we take for granted.
  • everyone involved in supplying us with clean, safe water from the workers in the office to the plumbers who keep lines open in our homes. What would we ever do without them?
  • gas station attendants and those repairing pipelines.
  • grocery store workers, from those stocking the shelves to the checkers and baggers, to those working in the office, ordering supplies.
  • pharmacists and drug store clerks.
  • all those staffing the many drive-throughs continuing to supply us with food and drink.
  • those bringing us the mail, from the clerks to the sorters to the drivers to those actually delivering the mail to us. 
  • lawn care workers who continue to mow lawns and plant flowers and keep our surroundings beautiful.
  • farm workers, without whom we would have so much less to eat.
  • small local farmers, continuing to supply fresh produce and eggs and meat and milk so that we eat well.
  • news reporters and television workers, from writers to camera crews to sound technicians who are bringing us news and entertainment to lighten our "confinement".
  • those collecting and disposing of the trash we continue to generate.
If I have forgotten anyone- and I likely have- forgive me, because without all of you, my life and the lives of your neighbors would be unbearably difficult. So kudos! Gracias! Merci! Grazie! Thank you so very much for all you are doing, quietly, every day, whether we acknowledge and thank you or not. You are all heroes, in my book. 



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