In the Midst of Change...

It is now the middle of November and I...we...are in the midst of a major life change. To explain, "we" is my best friend, Mae, and I. We have been sharing this dear old house since January of this year, becoming accustomed to being housemates, quite an adjustment for me since I had lived alone for the past eight years. But friendship overcomes many little things which might become major in other circumstances, and learning to compromise and openly communicate in a different way from previously has been both a challenge and a gift. 

In the midst of the heat and humidity of summer, faced with the inarguable fact of aging- of both us and the house- we began looking at apartments in High Point, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem, spending hours both on-line and driving to see possible places to live. It was exhausting but also quite exhilarating, as the prospect of this change-of-life became more and more real. 

And then, in late September, we made a decision and applied to 2918 North Apartments at Winstead Commons in Greensboro, figuring we would look to move in February or March of 2020. In fact, that's what we told the apartment manager. We figured this would give us some time to clean out the house, get rid of things we no longer need or want, and move in a leisurely fashion. Wrong!!! In mid-October, the manager called to tell us that a corner apartment was going to come available on November first, which they could hold for us until December 1st, if we were interested. I remember us looking at each other, somewhat dismayed, but then both of us saying, "Yes! Let's do it!" at the same moment. 

Life has been crazy ever since. We had a big yard sale on October 19th, getting rid of lots and lots and lots of "stuff". We scheduled a mover, and a service to clean out the basement and haul away anything which needs hauling. My daughter has been here to take some pieces of furniture. And we've been packing boxes...which are now residing in both bedrooms, the upstairs hallway, the den, and the dining room. (Anyone interested in a walnut dining room set with six chairs?) We take possession of the apartment on December 2nd and we have friends lined up to help us haul and unload lots of things all that week, with the movers scheduled to come December 9th. (Deep breath...sigh, sigh.) 

Serendipitously, my one granddaughters has just moved into an apartment in Charlotte, so she is going to be the beneficiary of boxes and boxes of kitchen stuff and towels and books and small furniture items, all of which she will not have to purchase. Wonderful how things are turning out. And both Goodwill and the Habitat ReStore here in High Point continue to benefit from boxes of overflow from the house on Council Street.

So, dear ones, please don't expect Christmas cards this year. Perhaps I'll get something out in January, perhaps not. Blessings and prayers would be most appreciated, as we begin life in a new place (though very familiar and filled with friends already). I told another friend about a week ago as we shared dinner that I have, for months, had the feeling that 2020 was going to be a momentous year personally, and so I guess I'm not surprised by all this. In fact, I'm excited and scared and filled with a combination of joy and trepidation, as we stand on the brink of "something new". What a wonderful place to be! 


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