Dear Republican friends,
      I write this because I am trying- really trying- to understand your seemingly-unconditional support of the man in the White House...a man who has and continues to lie, to twist reality into the image he wants...a man who denigrates women, who makes fun of anyone who disagrees with him...a man who has alienated so many of our allies and aligned himself with the Russian oligarch, Putin...a man who continues to challenge the freedom of the press by calling them "fake" when they report something he doesn't like. The list could go on and on. 

     I am asking you for some explanation for your continued support of this man who, in my opinion, is misusing and abusing the office of the Presidency of these United States- which are tragically more divided than any time I can recall in my nearly-seventy-eight years.
You see, I view us all as Americans...would like to believe we all want the best for all the people of this nation. So I am doing my level best to hear what you hear and see what you see- only I can't. 

     I know enough about communication to know that we all hear and see through our own set of filters- biases, if you will. And perhaps you are as flummoxed by my point of view as I am by yours. So tell me, please, what are you seeing that I am not? What are you hearing that is different from what I hear? And are you at all willing to ask those questions of me and really hear my answers?

     If this democracy of ours is to continue, if our nation is to truly be "of the people, by the people, and for the people", then we must find a way to work together for the common welfare, rather than tearing each other down. After all, we are in this endeavor together, which means that lack of respect, hatred, lack of civility, prejudice, and an "us versus them" mentality, have absolutely no place here. 

     Dear Republican friends, I am trying hard to see and hear you. Are you trying to do the same for me? 



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