The Many Faces of Christmas...
Confession: in this different and difficult holiday season, I have been unable to get into the "Christmas Spirit". Part of it is due to the fact that I have been coping with a particularly nasty upper respiratory bug since December 7th- only now beginning to feel like have any energy at all. During those weeks, I found myself unable to read- eyes burning, no powers of concentration- instead binge- watching "Madame Secretary" and coughing- and coughing and coughing. Finally saw the PA last Friday, was diagnosed with a sinus infection (which I had already self-diagnosed) and have been taking an antibiotic ever since, plus having my sleep aided and abetted by a powerful cough medicine, thanks be. I had not slept through the night for nine consecutive nights due to the coughing and I NEED MY SLEEP! And so, today, feeling like ME for the first time in two weeks, I began doing things to help me get into the spirit of the season, only to fin...