Let There Be Light...
Nearly month's end and here I sit, wondering just where this first 1/12 of 2014 has gone. Not that it hasn't been full- and bountiful in so many ways...but time does seem to pass by far too quickly these days. Perhaps that is simply part of the aging process, as I can recall- from my younger years- older people always saying that time passed more quickly as you age. But perhaps it is a consequence of this fast-moving world of which we are all a part...technological advances occurring so quickly that one can barely become accustomed to the "latest" before it has become outdated and obsolete. And perhaps it is also the to-be-expected sequela of the never- ending news cycles which surround us continually. Now, I have often written and preached about my deep belief in our interconnectedness as human residents of this planet... in our connectedness to the other species which share space with us here, so I am assuredly not denying that. And I also deeply...