
Showing posts from January, 2014

Let There Be Light...

Nearly month's end and here I sit, wondering just where this first 1/12 of 2014 has gone. Not that it hasn't been full- and bountiful in so many ways...but time does seem to pass by far too quickly these days. Perhaps that is simply part of the aging process, as I can recall- from my younger years- older people always saying that time passed more quickly as you age. But perhaps it is a consequence of this fast-moving world of which we are all a part...technological advances occurring so quickly that one can barely become accustomed to the "latest" before it has become outdated and obsolete. And perhaps it is also the to-be-expected sequela of the never- ending news cycles which surround us continually. Now, I have often written and preached about my deep belief in our interconnectedness as human residents of this planet... in our connectedness to the other species which share space with us here, so I am assuredly not denying that. And I also deeply...

Behold the Birds...

   On Monday, a balmy January day, with lots of sunshine and temperatures in the low 60s, I took advantage of what was promising to be our last comfortable day for some time to do a bit of yardwork. One important task was to refill all the bird feeders, in anticipation of the cold which was to come (and which is now firmly here). I confess that I had been terribly remiss in caring for my fine feathered friends this winter and so their visitations had been few and far between. Imagine my delight today to see all 6 feeders crowded with birds of many sorts...beautiful and unique and a delight to watch.   My favorites, I must admit, are the cardinals, and there were two pairs here today, the faithful males keeping watch as their mates helped themselves to the nuts and grains in the block feeders, which seem to be their favorites. And I  had to laugh at a large bully of a bluejay who, for a time, managed to chase away some of the smaller...

The Inhumanity of Us All...

I try very hard to refrain from being judgmental, particularly when it comes to cultural differences. I am well aware that people from different backgrounds and cultures view life differently. But aren't there, I have to wonder- and often do- just some norms and values which are simply part of human decency, no matter the culture from which one comes. This is all rattling around in my brain tonight because of a news story which I read on-line last evening about a young woman, age 20, who was gang-raped in India...raped by 13 the instructions of the village elders where she lives because she had fallen in love with a young man from another village and this was deemed unacceptable. "The crime committed is falling in love with the wrong person," was the pronouncement of the head elder, as he encouraged the 13 men to "have their fun" with her, and she is presently in hospital, in critical condition. WHY??? Why in the world- anywhere in the ...

Being Brutally Honest...

The words came into my semi-aware consciousness from the radio  on  my bedside table..."Christian militias" the reporter on NPR was  saying,  reporting about the on-going conflict in the Central African  Republic  between Muslims and Christians. The seeming incongruity  of the words  stayed with me as I showered, preparing for the day,  and I could  not shake their oxymoronic quality. Christianity, after  all, is to be a  religion of peace, isn't it? a religion which calls for  love of BOTH neighbor  and enemy...a belief system which calls for  turning the other cheek  and caring for the last and least. So how  has it become a source of  and justification for war? When and how  did we humans come to the  conclusion that the only way for me  to be right is for you to be wrong? And why has that become so  important? How did we reach this place in  human history wh...

Thoughts on Resurrection and Such...

A New Year, a new day, a new birth, a new beginning...even though it is the ninth day of this new year, it is, in reality, a new beginning, a reminder of the on-going, mysterious cycle which is life. For, in reality, each day is the beginning of a new year...a beginning afresh... a reminder of the ways in which life upon this planet is ever being renewed, resurrected...the fallow, dark stillness of winter giving way to the riotous life of springtime- year upon year, without our intervention or assistance. Life born resurrected from the seeming death of hibernation and germination. Is it any wonder, then, that Christianity has made resurrection its frontispiece? For resurrection speaks the truth, manifests the truth, lives the truth that death and dying are not the last word but are simply phases of what we call Life. Unfortunately, the "Christian" point of view has too often placed the focus on a life BEYOND this one... on resurrection which hap...

Ring Out the Old...Welcome the New...

This was written on December 31, 2013, at a poetry workshop at Healing Ground...words I needed to get share... in preparation for beginning a new year. retrospective 2013 Birthed in heartbreak, this yew year... Awash with tears, the way ahead unclear. Choices and decisions ride upon      the waves of uncertainty,      Yet choose I must and choose I did... As far away, the distant shore seemed      out of reach...           but stroke by stroke it nearer came           'til loving arms reached out to take           my trembling hand and lead me home. The journey long, the path uneven bramble-torn...      yet on I walked...stumbled...fell...      began again...despite the bruises and the scrapes...    ...