Yesterday...and Today
Remembering...I have been remembering all day long... recalling the people and happenings which have populated my life over these many years. And, though recently my Muse of Poetry has been tantalizing hiding, I pulled my book, Life Lines, from the shelf to search for words written in 2007 all about the reality of the past being always with us. the past The past swirls around me... I walk through the mists seeing only dimly...yet occasionally there is a clearing and I glimpse the view with startling clarity- just a brief moment- before the fog again enshrouds me and I find myself wondering if it were real or imagined. Memory is like that- an occasional lifting of the mind's misty curtain... a moment of revelation- and then darkness. And yet, this sustains me somehow... encourages me...lets me know that I am real and my life has meaning. While paging through this book of mine, I also encountered a poem I wrote for Thanksgiving in 2007 and...