Summer is a'Cumin' In...

If I did not dislike heat so intensely, summer would surely be my favorite season for the abundance of fresh fruits and veggies available.
Take my breakfast this morning. Actually, you can't take it since it is now happily residing within me, but have you ever seen a lovelier plate? Gluten-free French toast, fresh blueberries and strawberries, and a little organic maple syrup to top things off. Yum! And to make it even more perfect, I ate it while sitting on my lovely screened front porch, listening to the birds and watching my neighborhood awaken.

The past several days have been glorious here in Carolina...temps in the low 80s, low humidity, sunshine, and Carolina blue skies. My kind of weather. We're due to heat up today and over the weekend, back into the 90s, but the gift of the last few days will linger for a time, especially since all of my windows and doors were opened wide to welcome the fresh air. Don't know what it is about having the breeze blowing through the house that feels so wonderfully cleansing and invigorating, but it surely does- at least for me. Reminds me how much I need those cleansing winds of the Spirit to blow out the detritus accumulated in my heart and mind to make me feel new and enlighten and lighten my open me to challenge and possibility.

So, welcome Summer, with all of your many gifts. Welcome, Spirit, with all of your many gifts. May I keep the doors and windows of my life open, regardless the weather, that I can continue to be renewed and refreshed each day. And you also.


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