Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All

Once again it comes, the celebration of the Incarnation…
the coming of Divinity into our human world…
the Manifestation of holiness in human flesh.


Infinity hides in plain sight.
Every leaf, every blade of grass
Holds a trace of,
Is a cradle for, the Divine.

Divinity enters life daily,
Incarnate in each newborn
Child, in every written word,
In every celebrating note.

The Sublime Holy enters
At the edge of every day
And dwells within the
Shape of dailiness, hidden
But accessible, awaiting
Only a flicker of awareness
To fully spring to life,
To add depth & color & meaning
To the everyday drabness of
Routine, of living dulled by
Trouble’s weight, by sorrow’s
Care, by anxiety’s dark & heavy

And as the celebration of
Incarnation comes once more,
As we prepare to kneel again at
Infinity’s rough cradle,
May we hear amidst the
Clash of arms, the cries of pain,
The wails of agony for broken dreams,
The distant sound of angel voices,
Bearing the hope of ‘God With Us’
       to a weary,
               waiting world.


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