Thin Places...

Archangel Michael
    My sister, Kathy, believed...felt...intuited, the thinness between
this world of the flesh and the world of the Spirit. The Spirit world
spoke to her through nature, through her dreams, her art, her music,
her teaching and the children she taught. For her, this was not mere
speculation but reality- one in which she lived as fully as she did in
the physical, material world. Over the years of dealing with cancer,
she spoke to me on many occasions of her experience of this spiritual
nearness. Of her belief, her conviction, of being held and surrounded
and uplifted by those beloved ones who had gone before as surely as
by those praying for her and sending her light and love on this earthly
    Those of us who knew her well, who loved her deeply, heard often
about her guardian angel, Mikael (Michael), and about her sense of
being watched over, guarded, uplifted by his Holy Presence. And
at each chemotherapy treatment, each hospitalization, she carried
the little bag which contained treasured items for the little personal
altar she set up on the arm of her chemo recliner: a triptych of holy
icons; a drawing of Mikael; a tiny ugly doll from her son, Wren; a
small cross; a smooth stone from Ireland; a photo of her family- the
three of them- all these lovingly placed on a hand-stitched labyrinth
on scarlet cloth. As Richard, the priest from her Christian community,
said at her funeral, Kathy truly had a powerful awareness of the Thin
Places and frequently "saw" things unseen by the rest of us.
    So it was no surprise to me when my brother-in-law, Larry, shared
with me something which had happened on his first day back at work
a week after the funeral. There was going to be a staff meeting,
Larry was feeling a bit stressed and figuring he could use the boost
of the caffeine, decided to grab a Diet Coke from one of the three
Coke machines at the NSF, where he is chief council. Putting in his
money, he grabbed the bottle and headed to the meeting. Many of
you probably know that Coke has been putting names on the bottles,
inviting people to "Share a Coke with...", as a way of personalizing
their product. It was only after Larry had taken a couple of swallows
and put the bottle on the table that he and his entire staff could
see what it said: Share a Coke with KATHY.
    Coincidence? Really, what are the odds? None of Larry's staff
thought so, nor did Larry and I as he shared this story with me on
our Wednesday evening phone conversation, both of us in tears
over the very real and powerful message to Larry from his beloved
wife, assuring him that all would be well.
    Believe or not- surely your prerogative- but I Do and will- as I
know without a doubt that the Thin Places are with us, only calling
for our awareness and acknowledgement. Kath, I'm waiting for
your next message and sending lots of love from here to there-
wherever you are.


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