Sun Sermon...
After a week filled with sharing the pain of others about whom I care deeply...after some times of soul-searching and sadness and the Sense of walking in the dark, trying to feel my way, at times unable to see the light at all, this afternoon's sunshine was a precious and beautiful gift. I sat on my back deck, soaking it in...absorbing both the healing and beneficial Vitamin D and the warm and healing of the sun's rays themselves, reminding me of the ever-presence of the healing presence of the One Who Loves. I could almost feel the warmth soaking into my body and spirit...could almost feel the healing of the spirit which was happening for and to me. And that's the way it is, isn't it... so very often in life. We go along convinced that it- whatever the "it" is- all depends on us...that we must have the solution and the strength, the courage and the Conviction, the wherewithal and stick-to-itiveness...when, in reality, the healing and strength, ...