Following the Difficult Way of Jesus...
There was a man called Jesus of Nazareth…the one whom his followers came to call Christ. His life was one of living out what he believed the nature of God was…and it was in him that his disciples, his followers, came to understand what it meant to live in close relationship with God, to BE God’s people in all their living, in all their actions, in all their speaking, in all their relationships with others. And what he showed to them- and to us, all these centuries later- was that God is a God of love and justice and inclusion and compassion and forgiveness…in spite of what they and we might hear to the contrary. Early in Jesus’ ministry, he boldly proclaimed his revolutionary vision of the Kingdom of God in a synagogue in his hometown on the Sabbath, and the religious authorities surrounding him stood amazed at his teaching. He stood up to read, and someone handed him a scroll of the prophet Isaiah, from which he read these defining...