Opening the Heart...Becoming One...
Even as some sisters & brothers in Alabama are rejoicing over the passage of the "most comprehensive immigration law" in these United states, I have been immersed in a thought-provoking book entitled Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker Palmer, a Quaker educator, writer, and founder of the Center for Courage & Renewal. Even as my heart is breaking open over the zenophobia which seems to be sweeping over parts of our nation, I find myself taking heart from what Palmer calls Five Habits of the Heart which he feels we American citizens need in response to twenty-first-century conditions...five interlocking habits which he feels will be crucial to sustaining our democracy. We must understand that we are all in this together. This means embracing the simple fact that we are dependent on and accountable to one another. We must develop an appreciation of the value of "otherness", welcoming and including the "other" with an awareness that the stran...