
Showing posts from April, 2016

Thin Places...

Archangel Michael     My sister, Kathy, believed...felt...intuited, the thinness between this world of the flesh and the world of the Spirit. The Spirit world spoke to her through nature, through her dreams, her art, her music, her teaching and the children she taught. For her, this was not mere speculation but reality- one in which she lived as fully as she did in the physical, material world. Over the years of dealing with cancer, she spoke to me on many occasions of her experience of this spiritual nearness. Of her belief, her conviction, of being held and surrounded and uplifted by those beloved ones who had gone before as surely as by those praying for her and sending her light and love on this earthly plane.     Those of us who knew her well, who loved her deeply, heard often about her guardian angel, Mikael (Michael), and about her sense of being watched over, guarded, uplifted by his Holy Presence. And at each chemotherapy treatmen...