From the Mountaintop to the Valley...and Back Again
Haven't written here in a very long while... not because I have had nothing to say but perhaps because I just needed time to figure out what to say and how to say it. Even as I write this, I realize that I still don't have the "right" least not words which everyone I pastor or with whom I am friends will want to hear. But I can only write and speak and live from my heart, from my convictions, from the relationship I have forged with the One who Loves and Accepts and Forgives. So here goes... The decision handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the legality of same-sex marriage as the law of the land is one which fills my heart with joy since in it I hear, at long last, justice for my LGBTQ sisters and brothers. Having had the privilege of presiding at one same-sex marriage this spring, the lovely culmination of an eighteen-year committed relationship between two wonderful men, I am looking forward to being able to ser...