Really Struggling to Be Who I Say I Am...
I have been struggling with something for a very long to discern when speaking out is courageous and prophetic and when it serves only to deepen the chasms which already divide us from one another. Is remaining quiet wisdom or cowardice? And will my words really convince you- whoever you are- of the logic and rightness of my position, when I know in my heart of hearts that none of your words will convince me to accept and adopt yours? I have watched and heard and read so many words about things that I consider vitally important, that I see as matters of justice, inclusivity, and acceptance and I confess that the words coming from those whose position, ideas, beliefs are diametrically opposed to my own just make no sense to me. And they certainly do not make me back off or take a different stance. The realization that this is true for me makes me wonder just how efficacious arguing about things really is. What actually impresses us to not only hear but to ...