Immigration: a Lutheran Perspective
Immigration reform continues to be a hot-button issue in many segments of our society, so I was particularly gratified to find an article on the subject in the latest issue of our denominational publication, The Lutheran. Written by Jose David Rodriquez, a professor of global mission and world Christianity at the Lutheran School of theology in Chicago, the article includes the following information (which I quote): On Nov.14, 2009, the ELCA Church Council approved a social policy resolution regarding immigration, "Toward Compassionate, Just, and Wise Immigration Reform". The text reflects the rich legacy of the Lutheran church's concern for the neighbor, particularly the uprooted, the alien, and the stranger. The biblical and theological donations for the resolution lie in core commitments based on hospitality for the displaced as a means to practice the gospel's call to live our neighbor in response to God's love in Christ. Rodriquez goes on t...