Ministry Here and There...
Being a chaplain at a nursing care facility is unlike any other ministry I have ever done. There are days when I wonder what in the world I am doing here, when I question if what I am about has any significance whatsoever to anyone . And there seem to be few guidelines to provide a light along the path, few resources available which address ministering to a population made up mostly of elders, of aging people in varying stages of physical and/or mental deterioration who are sometimes fully present, but at other times are wandering in worlds known only to them. And yet, as I consider what I have just written, I wonder if ministering in this place is really so different from being a pastor in other kinds of parishes. Though the majority of the people in the pews are “all there” mentally and mostly there physically, I wonder just how truly “there” they are as, Sunday after Sunday, they sit in the same spot, speak to the same people, repeat the liturgy (mostly from memory), sing famili...