Being "We, the People"...
I haven't been writing very much lately. Well, actually, I haven't been writing at all. Words which make sense just won't come. In fact, words a nd ideas tumble over one another in my brain like those little balls in a bingo cage. Unlike in that handy little mechanism, however, one ball doesn't drop, but several, sometimes many. Ideas which conflict; emotions which confuse: for all of which I seem to find no adequate expression in words. There are days when I cannot, absolutely cannot, watch the news, listen to the talking heads. There are other days when I immerse myself in it all, trying to watch and listen to conflicting sides, to be as fair as I can be in personal news-gathering. But I remain in the dark, stuck in a quagmire of muck and mud and misinformation, uncertain if what I'm hearing is really what I'm hearing, unsure if I have taken leave of my already-battered senses and have truly fallen down the rabbit hole into a kind of whack...