
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Many Faces of Christmas...

Confession: in this different and difficult holiday season, I have been unable to get into the "Christmas Spirit". Part of it is due to the fact that I have been coping with a particularly nasty upper respiratory bug since December 7th- only now beginning to feel like have any energy at all. During those weeks, I found myself unable to read- eyes burning, no powers of concentration- instead binge- watching "Madame Secretary" and coughing- and coughing and coughing. Finally saw the PA last Friday, was diagnosed with a sinus infection (which I had already self-diagnosed) and have been taking an antibiotic ever since, plus having my sleep aided and abetted by a powerful cough medicine, thanks be. I had not slept through the night for nine consecutive nights due to the coughing and I NEED MY SLEEP! And so, today, feeling like ME for the first time in two weeks, I began doing things to help me get into the spirit of the season, only to fin...

This and That...

I've been going through some of my journals and notebooks lately and have come upon poems which were written at a variety of times in a variety of places. So, dear reader, I thought I would share them with you, as a gift for your Advent pilgrimage. hope springs Re-member re-covery re-storation    so many re- words...    so many beginnings again re-newal re-surrection    speaking in tones both soft and sweet    both truthful and terrible re-minding me    that life moves ever onward    with many stops and starts    and new beginnings which are not new    at all but simply are placing one foot in front        of another yet again-               in re-signation                    ...