
Showing posts from October, 2015

Imagine...Just Imagine

Oh, my, I just realized how long it has been since I've posted anything on this blog of mine. It's not because things haven't been happening or because I haven't had any thoughts on all the personal and national and world events, but perhaps just because I have had so many... too many, it seems, to be able to put them in some coherent form to share with others. And I find this happening more and more these days. Events foment around me, entering into my headspace, into my heartspace, and so overwhelm me with emotions and thoughts, with pictures and images, that I find it very difficult to put it all into words. *The American political scene, with all of the nastiness and back- biting, with statements being made by candidates which seem too bizarre to be real or taken seriously- but which are , by so many people. To say I am confused would be a humongous understatement. *The worldwide refugee crisis, with YouTube videos of the endless stream of humanity ...